Summer Blues III - Catherine Andersen


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Have you been searching for a vibrant and lively piece of art to bring summer sunshine indoors, even when it's gloomy outside? Look no further! We introduce you to the stunning 'Summer Blues III', an intricate piece of art that truly captures the beauty and vibrancy of a sunny summer day. Proudly crafted by a local artist, this artwork combines shades of blues in a way that intricately showcase elements of visions from the hottest season. A perfect choice for art lovers or anyone who wishes to infuse their space with warmth and color.

All Sales Final.

Details & Dimensions
  • Dimensions: 30"x40"
Shipping Information

For in-stock products, please allow 2-3 business days for order processing and 1-2 weeks for transit. If this item is on backorder, please refer to the restock date shown above.

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